The Pioneers of Alaska is a fraternal organization that was founded in Nome, Alaska in 1907 and is the only one of many Alaska based fraternal organizations still in existence and going strong.
Today there are 16 Men and 16 Women Subordinate Igloos that are active in Alaska. The Grand Igloo unites Alaska’s Pioneers by meeting once each year with the subordinate Igloos taking turns hosting these conventions. Delegates from all the subordinate igloos attend, and Grand Igloo officers are elected from these subordinate igloos to represent the whole.
The purpose of the Pioneers of Alaska is “to preserve the names of all Alaska’s pioneers on its rolls; to collect and preserve the literature and incidents of Alaska’s history; and to promote the best interests of Alaska.”
The Pioneers of Alaska have a rich history in Alaska’s territorial and early statehood days. They have many accomplishments that continue to make Alaska “The Great Land” that it is today. Visit our Igloo History and Membership sections to learn more about our history and requirements for membership.
POA Licence Plates
Our new Pioneers of Alaska license plates are now available.
They can be ordered either on line or at your local DMV by filling out form 803. Along with your application be sure to include a copy of your current membership card. Without proof of membership a plate will not be issued.
The cost for one of these plates will be $50.00. If you are driving a vehicle 8 years old or older, check to see if you can get permanent registration. Be sure to sign the form at the bottom. This is new to all of us so there is bound to be some problems. Please be patient and kind to everyone you may have to deal with. If you do encounter problems in ordering your plate please let me know. These plates will be a great way for us to wear our emblem for all to see as we travel the highways of Alaska and beyond. So let’s all get them on our vehicles and show our pride in the Pioneers of Alaska.
Another note, on this website, the Web Submission Page is for all to use, so let us know what is going on in your area.