Who is eligible for membership?
Eligible for membership are men and women of good moral character who are citizens of the United States of America; who are legal residents of Alaska and have been physically domiciled residents in the State for at least seven months of each of the twenty accumulative years required for membership; and who are physically domiciled in the State at least seven months prior to submitting their application.
How do I apply?
Every application for membership shall be completely filled out by the applicant, or under applicant's direction, signed by the applicant and endorsed by two members in good standing in the Igloo to which application is being made. The application shall be presented to the Igloo to which the applicant is applying for membership, accompanied by the requisite fees and dues....
Where can I get an application?
You can open it from this page, please see below.
Can I keep my membership if I move out of state?
Clearance Cards:
A member who intends to leave Alaska and desires to maintain their affiliation with their Igloo and remain in good standing may apply for a Clearance Card that exempts the holder of dues and assessments while the member is residing outside the State of Alaska. Upon return to the jurisdiction, the card becomes invalid and the holder is again subject to regular dues and assessments.
Can I keep my membership if I move to a new town in Alaska?
Transfer Cards: Any member changing their residence from the jurisdiction of their Igloo to the jurisdiction of another within the State of Alaska and desiring to unite with the Igloo at their new place of residence may make application for membership by transfer.
Dual Membership:
You can be a member of two Igloos. You must pay dues for both Igloos, and can only represent one as a Delegate at the Annual Convention.
Our application can be filled out while it is open
on the screen.
Instructions: Please make sure to take the time to fill out completely, print off, sign, and mail.
Please do not close it until you are done because it will not save your work using Adobe Acrobat Reader. It will save, if you are using a full version of Adobe Acrobate. Of course, it is easiest to print off a blank, fill it out by hand, and mail it in to your local secretary. Their address is listed above.
